A few weeks ago I wrote an article about Fivesquid shutting down, and not paying out their members, effectively scamming people.
Here is that article – Fivesquid Shut Down
But that aside, they did run for years as a legitimate website that paid its members. Below I’ll share some screenshots from my time as a seller on Fivesquid.
Let’s start from the end, below is a screenshot of one of the payments I received from Fivesquid on Paypal:

Registering on Fivesquid and confirming your email:
Hi [NAME],
Welcome to fivesquid!
Whether you’re here to buy or sell, we know that you’ll love using fivesquid.com. If you’re a buyer, there’s a tonne of great value services to tickle your fancy; and if you’re selling, fivesquid is the perfect platform for marketing your services worldwide. Just post a service and let the buyers come to you!
Click here to verify your email:
confirmemail?c=### Once you have verified your email, follow these simple steps to get started:
SELLING a service:
- To sell a service you need credits – don’t worry, we have added enough to your account to get you started and you’ll receive 5 bonus credits every month.
- Choose whether you’d like to post a £5, £10, £20 or £50 service (credits required for each service will vary) and create a service
- Every time you receive positive feedback for your service, you’ll earn more credits so you can create more services.
- You can also to a PRO Seller account and enjoy great benefits such as option to sell at any price, create recurring subscription s ervices and create custom orders via your inbox to suit buyers’ specific requirements. You can also add extras/add-ons to your services to boost your earnings e.g. next day delivery for an extra £5.
BUYING a service:
- Browse the hundreds of services available and select the quantity and/or any service extras you would like to buy.
- Can’t find the service you’re looking for? Post a request on the website.
- Pay securely with: PayPal, Visa or Mastercard (we’ll hold on to your payment until the seller delivers your order and we mark it as completed).
- When you’re happy with your order, give the seller a thumbs up and a good review so they can get more orders for their service.
Got a question? Submit a ticket to our Customer Support team here.
Thank you,
The fivesquid team
Publishing a new gig/offer to sell, and being asked to Edit your image:
Dear member,
RE: add over 300+ High Quality Facebook Profile Followers Subscribers to your FB Account
We’re sorry that we cannot approve your service. This is due to a problem with your service image for one or more of the reasons set out below:
- Your image is not of a sufficiently high quality and therefore appears blurred when enlarged
- Your image contains too much text – please limit any text to no more than 4 – 5 words and ensure that any text does not simply repeat your service title
- Your image is not relevant to the service you are offering
- You have already used this image for another of your services
- Your image may be considered abusive/off ensive in nature.
If you believe that none of the above reasons apply to your service image, please contact us here: http://support.fivesquid.com/
hc/en-us/requests/new Many thanks,
The fivesquid team
Publishing a new gig/offer to sell, and being asked to Improve English and/or wording:
Dear member,
RE: do Youtube Marketing Services
We’re sorry that we cannot approve your service at present. This is because:
– the wording used in your service title and/or description is not clear and easy to understand, and/or
– – the English, grammar and/or spelling used in your service title, description, and/or profile bio requires improvement.
Please note that for language specific services such as article writing, proofreading and CV writing/editing, your service description must demonstrate an excellent standard of English and grammar.
Many thanks,
The fivesquid team
Publishing a new gig/offer to sell, but… Sorry we can’t approve your service
Dear member,
We’re sorry that we cannot approve your service. This is due to one or more of the reasons set out below:-
- We do not accept services that advertise products, e-books and guides as these are not considered to be services. Services that sell products will only be accepted where they can be customised to a buyer’s requiremets.
- You have duplicated your service, or your service is too similar to a service that you have already posted to the site.
- Your service does not meet required standards e.g. for all writing or proofreading services, your service/service description must demonstrate an excellent standard of English and grammar.
- Your service contravenes UK law or we are otherwise prohibited from advertising this type of service. Examples of the types of service we cannot accept include:
- Services offering reviews on sites such as Amazon, Trustpilot, Yelp or Yell
- Selected Instagram marketing services
- Services that offer lead generation / email lists
- Your service is or may be deemed to be of a sexually explicit nature, or is otherwise likely to cause offence.
- Your service is considered to be ‘spam’, or abusive in nature.
- We reserve the right to decline your service if for any other reason we deem it unsuitable for display on the site.
If we decline your service for any of the above reasons, your service will automatically be deleted.
If you believe that none of the above reasons apply to your service, please contact the fivesquid Customer Support team at http://support.fivesquid.com/
hc/en-us/requests/new Many thanks,
T he fivesquid team
Publishing a gig/offer successfully! Your service is live!
Hi [NAME],
Congratulations, your service is now live on fivesquid! We hope you have fun using the website. You can view your service by clicking the link below:
125069/provide-3000-facebook- video-views Best of luck,
The fivesquid team
Editing a gig/offer on Fivesquid required them to review it and approve. One time I edited a gig, and a few days later it was still pending approval, so I contacted them:
It appears that your service ended up in our failsafe. We have however now located that for you and referred it to our validating team for their consideration.
When another user sends you a message, you receive an email like this:
Nrwd87 has sent you a new message.
Hi where exactly are the posts shared to? Are there any viewers? Or are they blank profiles sharing the posts to their own timeline?
Click here to reply to the message
Thank you,
The fivesquid team
When you receive a new order, you get an email like this:
Great news – someone has ordered one of your services. Don’t delay click on the link below for details:
Happy selling!
The fivesquid team
When someone sends you a message on an order page, you receive an email that your order has been updated:
GaryMurray has sent you a message about your order. To view the message and respond, click on the link below:
When you and a buyer agree to cancel an order, you receive an email for the mutual order cancellation:
RE: deliver 5000 Tik Tok Views
You have mutually agreed to cancel your order and payment has now been refunded to the buyer.
Please note that if a buyer requests cancellation and you do not actively reject that request, the order is automatically cancelled in any event after two days.
Thank you,
The fivesquid team
When you successfully complete an order and the buyer accepts the delivery and leaves you feedback/review, you receive an email like this:
Job well done! CGSolutions has reviewed your service. To view the feedback click on the link below:
114941/provide-250-facebook- page-likes Thank you,
The fivesquid team
After receiving 10 positive feedbacks, congratulations, you have been promoted:
Congratulations on receiving 10 positive feedback messages! We have now upgraded your account allowing you access to additional features on fivesquid.com.
You can now
- Create custom orders for bespoke projects
- Offer Add Ons on your services
- Send unlimited quotes for requests
Thank you,
The fivesquid team
When you added or changed your Paypal email, you had to verify it. You would receive an email like this:
To reset your PayPal, please click the following link:
settings/paypal-reset/ b2418f632dc07116ba0cf6fad41b4e fb If clicking the link above does not work, copy and paste the URL in a new browser window. The URL will expire in 24 hours for security reasons. If you did not make this request, simply ignore this message,
If you didn’t login into your account for a while (a few months I believe), you would receive an email that your services are due to expire in 10 days:
Is anyone there?! You haven’t logged into your account for a while and your service will expire in 10 days. To avoid this, simply log in to your account as soon as possible and we’ll automatically renew your service for a further 90 days.
And lastly, here is another Paypal payment I received from Fivesquid once upon a time…
fivesquid has just sent you £105.25 GBP with PayPal
This email confirms that fivesquid has sent you £105.25 GBP with PayPal.
To complete this payment, you must accept or deny it within 30 days by clicking here.
If you do not accept or deny this payment within 30 days, it will be cancelled and the funds will be returned to fivesquid’s account.
Here is a video I made talking about this:
In conclusion, it was fun while it lasted. Fivesquid was never a big moneymaker for me, primarily because I didn’t really take it very seriously at first.
By the time I took it seriously and posted a lot of gigs for sale and had started gaining traction and more and more customers, they had forbidden anyone to sell the types of social media services that I sell. And then they removed all of my gigs, and that was the end of my Fivesquid “career“.
Of course, the final and bitter end came in the very end when they shut the site down, and refused to pay me the £12 British Pounds I had in my balance. You can read more about that in this article.
It is what it is…
p.s a few other sites worth mentioning that are still working and are completely legit are Fiverr and SEOClerks. You can make money there as well as find incredible offers to buy at very low prices.