How can I get 5k Instagram followers?

5k Instagram Followers

From my perspective, you have one of a few ways to blow up on Instagram followers.


Be Famous already!

One is to be a celebrity already. Be an athlete or singer or someone famous, and simply get on Instagram and put yourself out there. People will follow you.


Follow and Interact with people!

The second is to follow people, later unfollow people. When you follow people many will reciprocate and follow you back. After a few days/weeks you can unfollow them, and they will still remain your followers… most of them anyway

The above can and should be used in combination with simply posting consistently, publishing quality photos and videos, and engaging other users on Instagram by liking their stuff and most importantly commenting too.


Use Hashtags!

Never forget to include hashtags wherever you can, but don’t overdo it. Like, don’t write a text all hashtags. Just throw in a few here and there, but do make use of them.


Buy Followers!

Another thing you can do, and I suggest it, you can buy some followers. You knew this was coming. Buying followers will kick-start your account if it’s new and has very few followers. It’s much easier to get people to take you seriously if you have 5,000 followers than if you have 50 followers. And then after you get some followers you continue using Instagram normally utilizing all the previous tips I gave, and you are more likely to grow bigger and faster.

Buying followers by the way, your biggest problem is drops. Imagine buying followers, then a week later you lose them all. How does that look? It looks bad. You want a reliable provider of Instagram followers who delivers stable followers. I recommend: Buy Instagram Followers

These guys deliver slowly, but their followers are very stable, and they’re a mix of real and fake profiles. Most other providers deliver full fake followers, which have a huge drop rate. The guys at deliver stable followers. And I would know as I’m affiliated with them ;)

I hope my tips help you.

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